Hey there, I am

Jonathan F.

I am years old, from Germany and have been programing for roughly % of my life.

I love learning about various topics to understand our world better, which has allowed me to explore many interesting things.

My passions are programing, photography, 3D-printing, (astro)physics, astronomy, reading (mostly scifi). I'm also very interested in space and aviation related topics. I always try to understand the newest developments in these industries.

As for "real-life-things", I enjoy lots of cycling and rowing in my freetime.

And this is my portfolio - a humble drop in the vast ocean that the World Wide Web is, just a few hundred words amidst trillions of sentences coexisting in our digital world.

I'd be very happy about some feedback about my portfolio or just my projects.

Thanks for being here <3


I am good with Fusion 360 which allows me to design my own 3D-prints. I often utilize it to aide with my projects.

For my photography and astrophotography projects I often use Adobe Lightroom. For my cinemography projects I'm working with Adobe Premiere Pro.

I am currently learning gamedev, which required me to learn Blender to design my own game assets. For my games I use Unity.


My most utilised language is currently Python. It was also the first language I learned at the age of 11 and I feel the saviest in it.

As you can hopefully tell by this portfolio, I am also able to create websites and webapps with HTML/CSS/JS.

For my gamedev related projects I most often need C#. I also started to learn some C++ to program microcontrollers.

As a Linux (arch btw) user, I'm able to create some basic but functional bash scripts to aide my workflow.


Some other skills:

- Flask: I am skilled with Flask for Python and have used it for lots of projects.

- Microcontrollers: I am very interested in everything hardware related. You can find a variety of projects based on Arduinos etc!

- Raspberry Pis: I often use these tiny computers for some more powerful applications, where MCUs just wont cut it anymore.



